About us


We are a family-run company with 33 employees. LOYALITY and TOGETHER are very important to us. Many years of professional experience and competence, the ability to implement even unusual customer requests and an intuitive sense for security requirements characterize the special service of our team.

Family Planitzer

From left to right:

John Planitzer | Disposition, Fuhrpark & Technik

Anastasia Planitzer | Disposition

Nicolai Planitzer | Vertrieb & Administration

Jutta Planitzer | Geschäftsführung

Our office team

Our driver team


The history of the company







Code of Conduct

We at Classic-Car-Service are aware of our legal, social and ethical responsibility in every respect, both as a company and as people, and we are happy to accept this responsibility.

The pillars of our company are the virtues that give the essential character to the values of the Hanseatic honourable merchant. The foundations of our actions are integrity, honesty, diligence, decency, respect, loyalty, sense of responsibility, long-term thinking and reliability. We are all committed to this code - management and staff alike - and live by it every day.

With our law-abiding and reliable conduct, we ensure that all applicable national and international laws are consistently observed in our business practice. The high standards we impose on ourselves mean that we conduct ourselves in a legally compliant manner beyond what is required.

Furthermore, ensuring the health, safety, equal opportunity and protection of every individual is just as important as protecting our environment. Only by acting in an absolutely responsible, fair and sustainable manner can we meet the high standards we set ourselves as a company. For us, success and respect go hand in hand.

J. Planitzer Classic Car Service Fahrzeugtransporte GmbH

Our philosophy

Our brand values guide our actions in the team and when we interact with our customers and partners: We embrace honesty, personal contact and respect. Our hundreds of Classic Car Service customers appreciate this attitude and trust us with their valuable possessions, creating a feeling of mutual trust. Because we also share the passion and love of classic vehicles our customers have.

Our history

Our family business for vehicle transport in Schwieberdingen was established in 1977. Owner, Jutta Planitzer’s, fondness for classic cars was always close to her roots. She describes her BMW 1802, which she attained at the end of the 1990s, as the initial spark for the current direction of Classic Car Service. Because from that point on, Jutta Planitzer and her team focused on classic cars. The professional service, impeccable storage and the transport of these noble beauties have been at the forefront of Classic Car Service ever since.


+49 7150 12 33 00




Markgröninger Straße 53
71701 Schwieberdingen

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